
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Good Day!

Okay you guys. I just gotta tell you that it's really awesome to be alive. It just is. We get to breath and we get to smile and we get to laugh and it's awesome! Enjoy this video about how awesome life is and about how we can help make life awesome for everyone! Thank you Kid President! 
I love that video! "You're gonna smell great!" "The biggest mess up--not forgiving other people's mess ups." He's an awesome kid! 

Living near Olivia has really made me a better person. She is so nice and has such a good attitude all the time! The other day when we were driving home we were talking about being happy and what makes us happy and how we like being happy a lot more than we like being upset. We made a pact to make each year the "Best year yet!" We'll remember how awesome the past years have been, but this year that we're living in, right now, is the best one! 

Livi told me a great story about a kid she was teaching at skiing. She was asking all the kids how their day was going and how they liked skiing. This one kid was a little smaller and kind of struggling a little bit, but he said to her, "It's a good day because every morning when I wake up, I get to decide if it's going to be a good day or a bad day, and I decided it's gonna be a good day." I like that kids philosophy! He's got his head on straight and he's gonna go far in this life with that kid of an attitude! 

So, to implement this into my life a little more. I was feeling a little bit of stress this week and especially this one morning. Then this song came on my Pandora that made the whole day and week awesome! Enjoy this:
That day, I was not feeling like it was the best day of my life. But this song made me remember that I decide! I decide to be happy and to be nice. I decided that morning that this song is the motto of my life every time I wake up. I am resolving to be a happier person with more optimism and just live every day like it's the best day of my life because I say so and I am the boss of my attitude and I like being happy a lot more than stressed or upset. So folks, live each day like it's the best day of your life--everyday!! :) Today is the best!! 


  1. You're too nice. Thanks for reminding me of our pact :) I love living so close to you too. You're great!

  2. Being happy is the best! Thanks for this reminder, Tess. Love you.
