
Tuesday, June 30, 2015


My life's been spectacular lately! I have just been doing some of the funnest things! Let me tell you all about it!

I have been on a LOT of hikes with my Sis and it's such a good time! I'm so glad that she made a goal to do a hike a week! What a great idea!

I've been to Bear Lake--Twice already! I love the lake and swimming and the sun and everything about the Lake!

We've had at least one hot dog roast every week for the past month! Most the time we have 2 or 3 a week and it makes my life! Fire and hot dogs... what can be better?

I've played a piano solo in both my Family Ward and our YSA Branch, taught Relief Society once and spoke in Sacrament with Coach Linford. Not my most favorite things in the world, but I did them and I really don't hate that sort of stuff.

Weeds, weeds, weeds! I have been woken up by me getting out of my bed to go find weeds in my dreams. It's awfully annoying, but I really do like my job. I work with great people and it's just great!

My Dad got the National Coach of the Year award! I'm so proud of him and glad he was my coach!

Liv and I went on a visit to Provo for an evening and morning with friends! It was a good time! We got to have a sleep over with some of my favorite people in the world, and we got to hike the Y with our friend Rachel! We did in in 26 minutes--round trip! And we did a little shopping... I like that part.

I've been to 2 brandings and 1 day of docking sheep! It's so fun! I love being in the sun with good people.

Friendship bracelets round 6 happened for me and Livi the other day! We had some down time during our Provo/Logan trip so we made bracelets! We're BFF's Forever!

I went to Pickleville Playhouse! Our YSA went to Juanito Bandito and it was a good show!

I started learning to drive our stick shift... it's rough. I'm really not good at it at all, but I figure I oughta learn. It's a good life skill!

I haven't seen my siblings as much as I would like, but I've seen them a pretty good amount. When Taffy was here last, Connor challenged me to a game of Dance Dance and let me tell you, he's getting good! I used to just whoop him because I'm the champ at that game, but he almost beat me! We played like the NBA Finals--Best of 7 and it went into round 7. It was a tough match up and I remembered that I really love that game!

Anyways, Life is just good. It's my favorite thing! :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Questions about Exercise

Guys, these are really random questions, but I'm curious. Feel free to answer because I want to know if I'm the only strange one.

1. Do you get really sweaty elbow pits? Like, do they sweat through your long sleeve t-shirts? Do they drip out the sides when you're on an afternoon run?

2. Do you get strange satisfaction from sweat drops? If you're doing box jumps or burpees or push-ups and the floor under your face turns a darker color, does that pump you up?

3. Do you ever say, Man! I love being sore!? When you get done with a hard workout and the next day you're not sore, do you ever have a moment of disappointment?

4. Do you like to finish a workout and have your body just trembling?

5. Do you justify drinking what some would consider excessive amounts of chocolate milk because you just did a very intense workout?

6. Do you ever work hard all day long and then still want to do a workout? Then people ask you, haven't you worked out enough already today? And you answer, yeah. But not my SET workout. Then you do your workout and want to collapse?

These are just some questions that I have. I can answer yes to all of them and I am just wondering if that's normal or if I'm way out there. Thank you for your expected feedback.