
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Endings are Beginnings

Sometimes lasts can be hard. I feel like I'm currently swimming in an ocean of lasts. I had my last day of the semester. I had my last conversation with my friends from my classes. I had my last day of living at college with my sister. I had my last final for a long time (not complaining)! A lot of these lasts aren't final, thank goodness, but they're lasts for what seems right now to be a LONG time. I'm about to have my last Christmas Eve at Grandma's for 18 months. I'm going to have my last Christmas with my family for 18 months. I'm about to say goodbye to my parents and siblings and nieces and nephews and friends. It all seems like a lot of endings to me.

But through the lens of faith I know that these endings are just the start of some fantastic beginnings! I'm going to say hello to so many new friends. I'm going to get a whole family of missionaries and Argentine people. I'm on my way to having tests of my faith and trials of my patience and stamina that will bring me much closer to God than any final for a class would. I'm always going to have my sister, whether we live together again or not. I'm going to learn Spanish. I'm going to live in a foreign country. I'm going to be more frustrated and down trodden than I have ever been, and I'm going to feel higher and closer to the Lord than I have ever been as well.

So really, all these endings are just leading to some great beginnings that will open more doors in my life than I can possibly imagine. I'm nervous and so excited for everything to come. I know the Lord answers prayers and that He answered my prayers by calling me on a mission. I'm excited to do the Lord's work and pray that I can do it the way that He wants me to.

Photo Credit: Michelle Photo & Design

Monday, November 23, 2015

Just My Life

Ya know, lately I've only been posting when I had something I really wanted to say. Today I just want to post what I've been up to lately.

 Football and Cousin Time

 All of our Birthday's! We were all born on the 26th of a different month and October 26th was the last 26 we'd be together for... so we went out to dinner!

 Some sweet new nike's for running... So far mostly used for lifting and life.

 Halloween!! Biker Chick and Rosie!

 An EPIC Harry Potter party thrown by Rach and Eden! 
(Left to Right: Oliver Wood, Molly Weasley, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Griffindor, Sybill Trelawney)

 A MUCH needed weekend with my sisters and parents! 

 Hunger Games! It was pretty dang good!

 Hangin' out with Taffy and her kids!

And brushing up on my artistic coloring skills!

Happy Thanksgiving Break Folks! 

Friday, November 6, 2015

What I Needed First


     If you have known me well for a while, you know that I said, "I'm never gonna go on a mission." Well, I obviously was wrong. I am going on to the Argentina, Buenos Aires East mission on December 30, 2015! I am a mix of emotions from excited to nervous to sad and everything in between. When I made the decision to go, about a month and a half ago, I immediately got started on my papers. I knew that once I had my answer I needed to act fast.
     Since that decision was made, I've thought, why now? Why couldn't I have gone when all my friends went? Why couldn't I have served before I was "old"? I was talking to my cousin Mary about that and she said, "Well, why are you ready now?" That got me thinking and I realized that I wasn't ready to serve 2 years ago. I needed these last 2 years. I needed to learn so many things and have a lot of experiences before I could go and serve.
     First off, I needed to be fully recovered from knee surgery. If I had gone at 19, I would have been sore a lot from walking and riding a bike and I would have been nervous to do a lot of things. I don't have that limitation any more.
     I needed to live in Alaska. I needed to live away from my home and what was my comfort zone. I needed to learn how to improve relationships with people I didn't know super well. I needed to have time with my grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles. Also, during my summer in Alaska, my testimony about the Prophet grew so much and found a deep root within me. I will need that testimony forever. Because I got that testimony, I'll be a better missionary.

     I needed to watch Olivia go to Peru and realize that I could be an individual. I grew a lot as my own person without her. I'm not saying we're better when we're apart, because that's not true. We improve while we're apart, but we're pretty dang good together. I also needed to live with Olivia in a college setting and get out of the "little sister" stage.

     I needed my roommates. Roommates are a good way to learn how to live with a companion I suppose. I have been blessed with some AWESOME roommates! When I had my interview with the Stake President he asked me how my experience with getting along with roommates has been and I could honestly say it has been fantastic!

     I needed to learn how I receive answers from the Lord. I had some experiences where I had to pray fervently and learn to listen. Without this practice, I may have missed the answer to my prayer to serve a mission.
     I needed another summer living with my parents. I got in a lot of family time and strengthened a lot of my siblingships this summer. We had so much fun with family reunions and half marathons and rafting the river and just spending time together as family.

     I needed to work at Weed and Pest because I needed to learn to go to bed on time. Another wonderful things about Weed and Pest was working with Coach Linford. He's been such a help and example for me. I'm kicking myself now that I didn't ask for Spanish lessons every day! But we had a lot of Gospel lessons. We hit on a lot of topics of the Gospel and he really helped my testimony grow. I didn't really expect my testimony to grow riding in a ranger behind Raymond  Mountain in the cold mornings while trying to get control of the never ending thistle, but as we shared our testimonies with each other, my testimony grew so much.
     Finally, I needed to feel like it was my decision. There was a lot of pressure for me to serve as a 19 year old and I didn't go just because "everyone else was doing it."
     I feel like I've grown closer to the Lord and experienced these things so that I could be more prepared to go to Argentina and serve how the Lord needs me to. I know these experiences will be for my benefit as I serve. I made this decision with the Lord and I know it's what I'm supposed to do.

   Argentina--here I come!! 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Don't Forget His Message

    Last week I held my breath as our beloved Prophet struggled to finish his address in the General Conference for our church. I was worried about him. I, along with everyone, wished I could hold him up. I wanted to help him. I was sad that he may be leaving us soon. And with all of this worry and speculation about his health, I forgot to listen to what he had to say. I didn't hear his message because I was so concerned for him.
    This week I saw a lot of posts and participated in a lot of conversations discussing his health. There were posts of what was going on behind the scenes: how President Uchtdorf was right there as soon as he finished his message. However, I haven't read any posts about his message and that makes me sad. A friend pointed this out to me and it really hit me.
    Instead of talking about his health, we need to remember his message (President Monson's Address). We need to always strive to be a light to the world. We need to use clean language. Speaking kindly and uplifting others will never make us feel bad. We need to serve others and do things that will help lift other's spirits. He said we need to "strive to have in our lives kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, and goodwill." We need to always have the undeniable light of Christ in our eyes. We must have faith: faith in our Lord and Savior, faith in the prophet, faith that our lives will workout. We have to treat our bodies right. They are special gifts from God. He taught us that the world is moving farther and farther from Heavenly Father's ideal and that we must stay close to our Father. We've got to be different from the world. Even when it seems hard to do these things, we have to try. We have to give our best effort every single day to stay close to the Lord. We have to grip tightly to the iron rod. He finished his message with a poem that sums up how we should live our lives:

I met a stranger in the night
Whose lamp had ceased to shine.
I paused and let him light
His lamp from mine.

A tempest sprang up later on
And shook the world about.
And when the wind was gone
My lamp was out!

But back to me the stranger came--
His lamp was glowing fine!
He held the precious flame
And lighted mine! 

    Yes, we can acknowledge that President Monson looks a little sick. We can be applauded for our desire to serve him as he struggled. But we need to sustain him by remembering what he had to say. He stood there weak but determined to finish his message because his message is of such importance. For all of us he finished instead of giving up because what he had to say were the words of the Lord for all of us today. Don't forget his message. 
    I wanted lastly to testify that when we stand with the prophet, President Monson, we stand with God. And when we stand with God we are on the winning side. When we stand with Heavenly Father we will become the heavenly beings that He knows we can become. We will not be led from our Father when we stand with the Prophets of His church. We have to stand with them. We have to sustain and support them and by doing so, we're showing our Father that we stand with Him. I know we're led by a living Prophet. I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of us and that is why He sends His words to us through His servants. I testify these things are true in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

If We All Were a Little More Like Her

We all have good role models. Some of us are lucky to have multiple role models. I'm fortunate to be one of the lucky ones who has many people viewing me as a model... haha. Just kidding. I'm lucky because I have a lot of wonderful people I can look up to. I'll name a few:

  1. My Mother
  2. My Father
  3. My Sisters
  4. My Brothers
  5. The Prophets and Apostles of God
  6. My Roommates 
  7. My Teachers
...and the list goes on. But there's one in particular that's not on this list that I have been looking up to a lot lately. Her name is Anne Shirley. Anne is a young girl, about 10 or so. Her young life was spent as an orphan until she got adopted by Matthew and his Old Maid Sister Marilla. Her best bosom friend in the whole wide world is Diana Barry. She's got beautiful bright red hair and freckles. 

She can imagine anything, anywhere, whenever. Anne's smart--she's the top in her class. She is mostly obedient and she's extremely loyal. Anne likes to have a good time and having her around always seems to stir the pot just a little. She can make you smile when you're not expecting it. She says the most hilarious things! Anne is one of my role models. She's said a lot of things that have inspired me to do better. Here are some of my favorite Anne Shirley quotes:

"What a splendid day! Isn't it good just to be alive on a day like this? I pity the people who aren't born yet for missing it. They may have good days, of course, but they can never have this one. And it's splendider still to have such a lovely way to go to school by, isn't it?"

This is how I feel when I think about Olivia sometimes: "I love Diana so, Marilla. I cannot ever live without her. But I know very well when we grow up that Diana will get married and go away and leave me. And oh, what shall I do? I hate her husband--I just hate him furiously. I've been imagining it all out--the wedding and everything--Diana dressed in snowy garments, with a veil, and looking as beautiful and regal as a queen; and me the bridesmaid, with a lovely dress too, and puffed sleeves, but with a breaking heart hid beneath my smiling face. And then bidding Diana goodbye-e-e--."

When Anne got a dress with "puffed sleeves" for Christmas: "I don't see how I'm going to eat breakfast. Breakfast seems so commonplace at such an exciting moment. I'd rather feast my eyes on that dress. It's at times like this I'm sorry I'm not a model little girl; and I always resolve that I will be in the future."

"Oh, Marilla! I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn't it? Look at these maple branches. Don't they give you a thrill--several thrills?"

The thing I like most about Anne is how she can love people and love life so deeply. She has a knack for seeing God's creations how we all should see them. If I could go through my life seeing things and people as Anne does, I think I'd be one step closer to becoming like my Heavenly Father. He created all things for us to find joy in, for us to notice and love. He is the Father of all the people on earth. He loves them like Fathers do and more. And that's what Anne does. She's amazing and I hope I can grow up to be more like her.  

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Love MY Sister-in-Law :)

You guys!! Check out my new blog design!!

Obviously, if you're reading this, you can see it.. But did you know that my
sister-in-law Michelle did it for me?!?!

She's the best. If I didn't have two sister in laws, I'd say she's my favorite!! ;)

Pretty much, I love her.  && I LOVE my "new" blog.
That about sums it up.

THANKS MICHELLE!!! You're the bestest EVER!! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Behind Social Media

Olivia and I have a lot of fun. It seems like all we do is have fun! At least that's what everyone sees and comments on. People say to us a lot, do you do anything but play? And the answer is yes. Playing is actually a fairly small part of our lives. We do a lot of things, but things that nobody really cares to see. Here are some of the things that we do, that we don't show on social media.

   Both are enrolled in 16 credit hours of school.
   Read, Study and do Homework for all 16 credits.
   Work about 16 hours a week.
   Wake up every morning at 5:50 to work-out.
   Wake up at 5:20 every Thursday to go to the Temple.
   Donate Plasma twice a week.
   Are on 3-4 intramural teams.
   Go to bed between 10:00 and 10:30 every school night.
   Grocery shop and cook meals together.
   Do laundry.
   Work all summer to pay for our own school.
   Apply for scholarships year after year to help pay for our education.
   Sometimes feel like we can't do it.
   Almost crack somedays.
   Read our scriptures every morning before school/work.
   Attend FHE each week.
   Make our beds every day.

And we play. We work so we can play. We get everything that has to get done, done before we play. We balance our lives so that we can play without feeling guilty. We like to show people the fun things that we do, because the rest of this is kind of boring to everyone else. To us it's real life and we are doing it and enjoying it. Playing is how we reward ourselves for the many hours of hard work and dedication that we put in every day to becoming better people. And playing makes us better people as well. So the next time you see a picture of us and think, Do they ever do anything but play? The answer is yes, but we make time and means to do the fun stuff too.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

2 Funnies and a Serious

The first week back to school was a big success. I was a little overwhelmed on Monday when I had to go from one building to another building on the other side of campus. I had 10 minutes to get to my next class... My first class was chuck full, and I didn't get out of that classroom until my other class had already started. That's a lot of kids in a classroom. It's been hard when I try and make eye contact with people to say hi and they make a point to look the other way. Nobody says, Hi! How ya doing? They don't even wave. And there are stop lights that I have to stop at and I can't run down the middle of the street. It's an adjustment, but it'll get better. So you're wondering how was this a success? My classes were awesome! For the first time I'm excited about all my classes. There's not one that I'm dreading. I think some of my classes will be a challenge for me, but I'm excited for them all. And that's a wonderful feeling. I also love living with my sister. It's a good life. Now for my stories.

1st funny:
    Monday night we were sitting in our living room waiting for someone to come and fix our plumbing. When the guy showed up, he had his girlfriend with her and she came in and was immediately friendly. She asked what all of our names were and she looked at me. Without even thinking, or realizing, I said, "I'm Olivia." I shocked myself so badly! I looked at Livi and she's looking at me like I lost my mind. Then I just started to laugh and our roommates all bust up laughing and then I said, "No I'm not. I'm Tessa!" It was seriously so funny! Now I can't give my parents a hard time when they can't remember my name! I can't even remember it. Olivia and I have become so similar that I can't tell myself apart from her.

2nd funny:
    Wednesday Olivia and I saw each other at 7:45a.m. before work and school and then we didn't see each other again until the afternoon. I got to our beginner tennis class at about the same time as Olivia. We looked at each other and just said, "Oh my heck. We match!" Without any coordination or seeing each other all day, our telepathic minds put us in the same outfit. It's incredible how often that happens! We're horrible at tennis, but we had a good time in that first class. I think that the people in our class think we're wacko! And Wednesday night we both signed up for weight lifting together, so we get to do that together too! It's going to be a great last year together!

And my Serious:
    I was struggling a little with going back to school. I have had a wonderful summer. So I started praying that I would have a good attitude about going to school. On Wednesday I was sitting in my chronic disease prevention class, talking about diabetes and cancer and good diets, and things like that, and my teacher shared a talk by President Ezra Taft Benson called "In His Steps." While I was listening to a Prophet speak about good health and about the things I'm going to school about, I really felt the Spirit so strong tell me that I need to be at school. I need to be learning what I'm learning. What I'm doing is important to Heavenly Father. It was an answer to my prayers. And I was so touched that I was feeling the Spirit in a Chronic Disease Prevention class of all the classes. I feel so blessed to go to a school where our curriculum can be faith based. That I'm not just learning the secular things, but what Prophets say, what the Lord thinks and feels about my schooling. I am blessed to go to school where I go.

So although I'm going to miss home and Cokeville and all the things and people that I love there, I really feel like I'm bettering myself and doing what I need to be doing right now. It's always nice to feel reassurance. Heavenly Father cares about little things.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

An Adventure for Me and My Sis!

Folks--Heavenly Father blesses us in such little ways sometimes that we don't realize it. Last week my sis and I had an experience that made us recognize some of the little blessings.

It was a beautiful, Wednesday evening. We were done with work and mowing lawns; I had eaten a delicious PB&J sandwich. Our Camelbacks were full and our chacos were on. We headed out on a hike. We left our house around 5:30. Hobble Creek was the destination. Earlier this summer we had done a part of this hike, but didn't have time to go all the way down the ridge. We hadn't mapped out our plan, we didn't know how long it was, and we didn't even think about it. We were just headed to Hobble Creek.

It started out great. We were talking and hiking along this fence line on a little two-track. The trail was nice and dirt, like most trails in the mountain are. And as we're hiking along, enjoying our time in nature, Olivia's phone rings. We were surprised that we had service in the boonies! She answered it and hung up fairly fast... It was a dang recording for this guy named Gordon. She's been getting calls for this Gordon for about 2 years now. It's annoying. We were annoyed. We forgot about our annoyance though and kept hiking along. Then the trail turned... It turned away from the edge and what we were hoping was going to be a view of Hobble Creek. We got off the trail and stayed on the ridge. Without a path to follow, we felt like real trail blazers! We were just making our own way across the mountain! Then it started taking a long time. I was getting a little worried that we weren't going to make it to Hobble Creek in time to get back before the sun set. Livi kept saying, "It's gotta be over the next ridge... Well, the next ridge... The next one... Okay, for sure the next one." Finally I said, "Liv. The sun's gonna go down really soon and we've got a LONG hike back. We need to just take our picture and go." She said, "Just to the top of this ridge and I swear we'll go. I would hate to come all this way, get this close, and not get the view." So I agreed to go to the next ridge and thankfully it was the ridge with the view!

We got our pictures (the amateur selfiers that we are) and headed back. Deciding that we needed to find a trail back, we went away from the ridge and found the way back. The sun was getting close to setting and we needed to haul cheeks to get back before the sun set. We started to jog. After a while we came to this beautiful setting with some dead pine trees, set against live ones, with the sun just shining like a spotlight on them. The trail we were on curved away from the scene, so having not learned our lesson, we got off the trail. No sooner had we done that, we found ourselves walking through a bit of a swamp with some rain spitting on us. But how could we just run away without taking a picture? I mean if we're there, we've gotta capture it! 

We got our picture and took off on a jog again. When we stopped for a second, we looked behind us and saw a sheet of rain. In the distance too, there were lightening strikes, and ever since Livi and I came close to getting struck by lightening on a hike, I've been about terrified of lightening unless I'm in my house watching out the window. It was a beautiful sunset though, and with the rain... again we had to stop and photograph the scene. 

Isn't that the beauty of the earth? It is. But also notice the placement of the sun. It's set and we aren't even half way back to the truck... I started to get a little bit panicky. Another tid-bit of information: before almost every hike my mom gets really nervous about us going out without a plan or a gun to a place where we can't call for help... I don't know why that would get her nerved up. It must be a mom thing. So, at this point we knew Mom was getting nervous at the house. We remembered the call for Gordon... We had cell service on that ridge! So we set to jogging again. It was 9:00-ish when we made it to the ridge and called Mom. When we got through to her at the house, she informed us that we had called with perfect timing because she and Dad had called Trevor and were coming on a search party for us. Trevor had just gotten to the house. Here's where we start to see blessings from the Lord. If Livi hadn't gotten that call for Gordon, we would have never known that we had service. We would not have called Mom. We would not have stopped Dad and Trevor from coming. And we later learned that they were going to search for us in a different place than we were... So they would have gotten lost as well. Thanks be to Heavenly Father for 2 years of phone calls for Gordon.

Mom wanted to know how long until we would be home... We were still probably 2-3 miles from the truck and although the sun was set, we still had okay lighting. We told her we were about a mile from the truck and we'd be fine. (Don't lie to your mother, unless it's going to keep her from having a nervous breakdown... even then, choose little stretches of truth, not flat lies.) After the phone call, we felt better. We were on the path. The sun was going down, but all we had to do was follow the path. After a little while longer we thought we were at the point we had hiked to earlier in the season that turned down the mountain to the truck. On that earlier hike, we took a picture of the view from the top, and where we were looked just like it. We confidently stepped off the path. We left the fence line. We walked down this somewhat path for a little and then decided it was wrong. We went running across the mountain around this little grove of trees, looking for another path or a vantage point. We didn't find a path, but Livi saw a bend in the road where we parked the truck... It was still a ways away. We went back to the somewhat path and took a few steps down it when Livi, being in tune with the Spirit, suggested we prayed. We stopped right there and petitioned the Lord for help. We knew immediately that where we were was wrong and we needed to go back to the fence line. When we got back to the fence where we turned off, just to be sure, Livi looked at our picture from the time we hiked there before and held it up to the view... We were not in the same place.

Onward we went. By this point it was close to 9:30. It was getting quite dark. But, you know how eyes adjust to the dark... We felt like we still had pretty good vision. Finally we reached the point that we were sure went down to the truck. Livi looked at her picture and it looked the same. We again stepped off the well worn path, to a little, not so often travelled two-track. Then we came to a fork in the road. Livi stayed calm while I cried a little. I was scared of the lightening. I was scared of getting soaked. I was scared of some animal coming out and attacking two little girls. I was just scared. We took a few steps down one path and Livi suggested we pray again. I said it this time and immediately knew that we were on the wrong path. When we ended the prayer, we both turned and back tracked to the other path. We knew then, because of the assurance of answered prayers, that we were on the right path. We went across a little meadow and then we dropped down into the trees right above the truck. By then it was dark. I couldn't see well at all. But I know that it was another blessing from the Lord that I could see so well up until that point. It had been dark for a while, but our eyes were able to adjust really well.

After being scared and hiking and lost (Livi hates that word. She says, "We weren't lost. We just weren't sure all the time where the end was.") the truck was the most welcome sight I'd seen in a long time. We got in the truck and drove home. The whole way down into town, we talked about how much the Lord had blessed us. From a phone call for Gordon, to immediate answer to prayers, He was with us. We felt that because we're striving to do what's right, He was willing to bless us. Heavenly Father was mindful of us and helped us out of what I felt was a very stressful and scary situation. We also decided that next time we probably won't be so lucky, because Heavenly Father blessed us with brains to make better decisions than we did that night. But, I'm so thankful now for the experience. My testimony in prayer and in faith grew tremendously. I know that Heavenly Father loves His children and wants to see us all happy and safe. He blessed us. He will bless you.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Family Reunions

"Family: Where life begins and love never ends."

I'm so thankful for Family and especially for Family Reunions! I've been lucky to have 2 reunions in the last 2 weeks! The first was with just my parents and siblings and nieces and nephews. And this last week was with my Grandma Teichert and my aunts and uncles and cousins. I honestly feel like I have the best family that anyone can ask for! I wouldn't change them for the world! We're a little strange and can be a little overwhelming, but that's just how I like it! I'll share just a few pictures taken during the reunions and tell some highlights.

First--the Briant Teichert Family Reunion:

We all gathered at Jo-Gee Fish and Stay in Ft. Bridger, Wy (a little cabin and a pond that Tony and Taffy own) on a Friday afternoon. We got camp set up and then headed to the Lyman swimming pool! It was a blast! Friday night Mom and Dad told stories to all of us! It was a good time. This picture is us getting ready to listen.

Saturday we just did more hanging out and visiting. But we also played some super fun games! Taffy planned some really great games for all ages! Here we've got Tel and Kimball sitting with shower caps covered in shaving cream while we threw Cheeto Puff balls at their head. The team with the most puffs won!

Tony built a floating dock for our enjoyment. It was meant to be stable and flat but ended up being a lot more fun because it was super tippy! Saturday morning after the games we were putting 5 adults on the dock and trying to balance our weight so we wouldn't tip. But, when one person shifted their weight, it was Titanic! The whole dock would tip and you had to jump or grab hold! It was so much fun! We had a blast, but Tony thought he should make some changes to the dock. So we unhooked it and drug it in. I'm not sure how we got in the situation that we did, but Sulli, Michelle and I swam it back in while Olivia stood on the top holding the chains! She looked like a slave driver while we did all her work. That's what this picture is, Olivia with her Iron Chains, driving us to shore. 
It was a great reunion! We missed Tyson and Candace and hope they can come next year. It was a blast and I love my family even more!

Second: The Herman and Buhla Teichert Family Reunion

It started at Bear Lake on Friday. Olivia and I thought it would be a fun idea to hike to the Lake. We left around 7 a.m. and had fun for about the first 10 miles. Then it started getting really un-fun. We have been doing a hike-a-week, but only about 2 miles each time and the only walking training we've been doing is to the end of Dayton Drive and back on Sundays. But we thought it would be fun. We did make it to the lake and we are alive with just a few aches and pains. If you ever want to do it, think again. But now we can say that we've walked 24 miles to the lake! And if my kids ever ask to use the car to get to the lake, I'll just say, please. When I was a kid, we walked! 

Saturday morning Olivia and I did a Questival activity for the family and it was a BIG hit! I'm going to make a blog about that when I get some pictures from that. After Questival was over, the whole family went to Grandma's to do a service project. Here's Dad, Mom, Livi and I with Grandma.

After the service project, everyone got an Otter-Pop. My grandma is 96 years olds and this was her first ever Otter-Pop. This picture is her and a few of her Great-Grandkids.

I have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my Grandma and Grandpa. They started such a legacy. They had 10 children and 65 grandchildren and 100+ great-grandchildren. My family is amazing! I told Grandma how I was thankful that she started this family and that I feel like it's the best family ever. I love family and am so grateful for the blessings of the Temple that seal us all together for eternity as we strive to do what's right. It's going to be a great forever being tagged with these people! 

Families are Forever

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


My life's been spectacular lately! I have just been doing some of the funnest things! Let me tell you all about it!

I have been on a LOT of hikes with my Sis and it's such a good time! I'm so glad that she made a goal to do a hike a week! What a great idea!

I've been to Bear Lake--Twice already! I love the lake and swimming and the sun and everything about the Lake!

We've had at least one hot dog roast every week for the past month! Most the time we have 2 or 3 a week and it makes my life! Fire and hot dogs... what can be better?

I've played a piano solo in both my Family Ward and our YSA Branch, taught Relief Society once and spoke in Sacrament with Coach Linford. Not my most favorite things in the world, but I did them and I really don't hate that sort of stuff.

Weeds, weeds, weeds! I have been woken up by me getting out of my bed to go find weeds in my dreams. It's awfully annoying, but I really do like my job. I work with great people and it's just great!

My Dad got the National Coach of the Year award! I'm so proud of him and glad he was my coach!

Liv and I went on a visit to Provo for an evening and morning with friends! It was a good time! We got to have a sleep over with some of my favorite people in the world, and we got to hike the Y with our friend Rachel! We did in in 26 minutes--round trip! And we did a little shopping... I like that part.

I've been to 2 brandings and 1 day of docking sheep! It's so fun! I love being in the sun with good people.

Friendship bracelets round 6 happened for me and Livi the other day! We had some down time during our Provo/Logan trip so we made bracelets! We're BFF's Forever!

I went to Pickleville Playhouse! Our YSA went to Juanito Bandito and it was a good show!

I started learning to drive our stick shift... it's rough. I'm really not good at it at all, but I figure I oughta learn. It's a good life skill!

I haven't seen my siblings as much as I would like, but I've seen them a pretty good amount. When Taffy was here last, Connor challenged me to a game of Dance Dance and let me tell you, he's getting good! I used to just whoop him because I'm the champ at that game, but he almost beat me! We played like the NBA Finals--Best of 7 and it went into round 7. It was a tough match up and I remembered that I really love that game!

Anyways, Life is just good. It's my favorite thing! :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Questions about Exercise

Guys, these are really random questions, but I'm curious. Feel free to answer because I want to know if I'm the only strange one.

1. Do you get really sweaty elbow pits? Like, do they sweat through your long sleeve t-shirts? Do they drip out the sides when you're on an afternoon run?

2. Do you get strange satisfaction from sweat drops? If you're doing box jumps or burpees or push-ups and the floor under your face turns a darker color, does that pump you up?

3. Do you ever say, Man! I love being sore!? When you get done with a hard workout and the next day you're not sore, do you ever have a moment of disappointment?

4. Do you like to finish a workout and have your body just trembling?

5. Do you justify drinking what some would consider excessive amounts of chocolate milk because you just did a very intense workout?

6. Do you ever work hard all day long and then still want to do a workout? Then people ask you, haven't you worked out enough already today? And you answer, yeah. But not my SET workout. Then you do your workout and want to collapse?

These are just some questions that I have. I can answer yes to all of them and I am just wondering if that's normal or if I'm way out there. Thank you for your expected feedback.

Friday, May 15, 2015

How to Judge Successful Missionary Work

We may not be out in the field serving a 2 year mission, but we're all missionaries. I've been studying Preach My Gospel for a few weeks now with Olivia, and our study today asked us to prepare a 2 minute talk on a principle that we studied in Chapter 1. I chose "How will I know whether I'm a successful missionary?" Here's what I wrote.

  In Mosiah chapter 28, verse 3, it says, "Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble."
  This is how we all should feel about sharing the Gospel. Have you ever wondered if you're being a successful missionary? Maybe on days or weeks or months where there aren't numbers, despite your best efforts? Well, numbers aren't the measure of success. Here are three ways that you can measure your success:

  1. You love the people and desire their salvation.
  2. Obey with Exactness.
  3. Go about doing good and serving people at every opportunity, whether or not they accept your message.
  First--Love the people and desire their salvation. President David O. McKay, in the book Gospel Ideas said, "True Christianity is love in action." We must love the people we're surrounded by at home, or at work, or at school, or at the grocery story. We must love them so much that we want their salvation more than anything for them. When we love them, and show them with action, we are true Christians and are doing our part for the work.
  Second--Obey with exactness. I have a friend serving a mission right now and I got a letter from him once that said he was struggling a little and didn't feel like the work was moving along like he wanted it to. The next letter I got from him said that he realized the problem. He needed to get back to obeying the little things with exactness; and when he did that, the work picked back up. It will work the same for us. When we keep the commandments and follow the Prophets, we will be better able to share the wonderful word of God.
  Third--Go about doing good and serving people at every opportunity, whether or not they accept the message. I feel like this point is hugely important. If we, as members, would do good and serve people whenever we get the chance, I know we'd have an impact on others. I'm not the best at serving people. I make a lot of excuses. But one day I didn't and it impacted me. I was walking through Wal-Mart and I noticed this little old lady trying to get some birthday cake decorations off of the top shelf. She was shorter than I am, if you can imagine that, and reaching up trying to get the decorations with her cane. She had a determined look on her face, but I could see frustration as well. As I walked by I asked if I could help her. She smiled at me and gladly let me get the decorations for her. She said thank you and with a smile and a "you're welcome," I went on my way. I am so glad that I stopped to help her. If we all can do little acts of good, whenever the chance arises, we can and should consider ourselves successful.
  In conclusion, in Preach My Gospel it says, "When you have done your very best, you may still experience disappointments, but you will not be disappointed in yourself. You can feel certain that the Lord is pleased when you feel the Spirit working through you." So, next time you're feeling like you're failing in your missionary efforts, step back and ask yourself-- Do I love the people around me and want their salvation? Am I obeying the commandments and teachings of the Prophets and the principles of the Gospel with exactness? And Have I been taking opportunities to serve the people around me? 
  I know that if we can answer these questions, or even just one, with a Yes, we're on our way to being successful. We're trying and the Lord is pleased with our efforts. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sophomore Year

I successfully lived through my second year of college! Actually, I didn't just live through it... I lived in it. I really felt like I embraced the college life and grew and became a better person. That's a good feeling. So, here's a list of 16 things I learned this year--1 for every year of my formal education and 1 bonus one because I'm weird about multiples of 5... I don't really like them.

1. Be present in the presence. 

2. Be "Awe"-ful.

3. Be Yourself

4. Russia and the Pacific Ocean are HUGE.

5. I have to Pray, Decide, Listen, and Obey.

6. Family makes good the best friends.

7. Sometimes we need to remember to give Peter the benefit of the doubtPeter My Brother

8. An active lifestyle is a happy lifestyle.

9. If you want adventures, YOU have to make them happen.

10. Be Grateful.

11. Chill Out!

12. It's possible to live with only $8 in the bank account.

13. Don't apologize when you have to give a talk or speech in public.

14. Heavenly Father listens and loves us.

15. The sun can burn you.

16. Nerd dancing every now and then, is cleansing to the soul.

It was a great year! I learned some scholastic things and I learned a lot of life things. I really feel like I got closer to the person I want to become. But I know that I still have a lot of work to do, so good thing I'm young and I have a lot of years ahead of me to get better. :) Life is the best and I'm glad to be living it! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015


It's almost official... I'm dropping out and becoming an adventurer. When Olivia told me that I needed to sign up for Questival, I asked how much that was going to cost me. She told me the sign up was $30. At the time I only had about $70 and I was thinkin, "That's like half of all I have." But, I decided to sign up anyways and it's the very best $30 I've ever spent! Going into the weekend I wasn't sure how I was gonna like the whole thing. It sounded daunting. We were going to do a bunch of weird things and a bunch of very crazy and tiring things, all on a few hours of sleep. When I got home Friday afternoon though, I did what I do a lot--I just decided it was going to be awesome. My mind has an incredible power. If I decided something's going to be fun, it all of a sudden becomes really fun. So, I decided and that was the second best decision I made about the weekend (the first was signing up).

So, we started Questival. We're pretty competitive girls, so we started the day before... well, we started planning. We had papers all over the floor and markers and pens everywhere, designing our plan of attack on the weekend. It surprisingly takes a lot of organizational skills and pre-planning to do this adventure.
Some of our planning sheets

I am not going to give you a run down of everything that we did because it would take about 24 hours, but you can check out what we did on this sight:

We started off at the festival where we checked in, got our SWEET new COTOPAXI backpacks, did some challenges, donated food to the food bank, ate a pizza, and took a selfie with a llama. At 7:30 we made a llama sound with all the competitors and sprinted to our car.


The first thing we did was go and thank a professor. We drove to Olivia's professor's house and videoed Olivia thanking her. Then we went and watched the sunset.

So good it doesn't need a caption

During the evening we gave a pillow to a homeless person, food to some homeless people, shared a cupcake with a friend, high-fived 20 people in a restaurant, escorted some nice boys across the street, shook hands with the mayor and did salutations to the sun at Sundance Ski Resort.

Do good=feel good
Sun salutations at Sundance

We also hiked the Y and wrote a poem. Then we did the crazy... we headed South. Our goal--go to all 5 National Parks in Utah in one day.

We got to Arches at about 3:30 a.m. We pulled into a parking lot near a campsite, pulled the tarp out of the trunk and while I slept warmly in the back of the car, my teammates, Olivia, our roommate Rachel, and our friend Lyndsey, slept in sleeping bags under the stars. At 5 we woke up and packed up in a hurry. We drove to Delicate Arch and hiked. Now, we were on a mission to win the whole thing. We weren't hiking for fun. We were running up to Delicate Arch and we ran back down. We ran everywhere. It was tiring. Anyways, you're going to get bored if I tell you every thing we did. So I'll give you the rough run down.
Delicate Arch

arches on arches

Canyon Lands
False Kiva Alcove (Amazing View... Just WOW)


Capital Reef 
Hickman Bridge

Hercules ain't got nothin' on us! #shortgirlontheleft

Bryce Canyon
Baby Waterfall
Then we were going to hit Zion's, but our time was out and we didn't make it. But, we continued onto Zion anyways because we were determined to see all 5 in a day, even if we didn't get points for it. So, those were the major things we did. Some of the other things we did during the day:
Wrote a rap, another poem, sang the Utah State Song, did my nails, yodeled in a public place, gave flowers to a little girl, did a balancing act, mailed a post card to Grandpa, flew a kite, made a campfire, taught how to save someone who's choking, and a much more.

 We just balance each other out... that's what Sister's do.

It was the best adventure! And, I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else. All four of us are very competitive people. We wanted to win and we were doing all we could. We ended up being 68th out of about 418 teams. So, we were pretty proud of ourselves.

You don't wanna meet us in a dark alley :)

This is just a side note, but there was one time in the car that we were laughing so hard we were crying. We're pretty sure we're the funniest people in the world. And it's nice when you can spend about 36 hours straight with someone and like them more than when you started. We solidified our friendships and had a DANG fun time!! I have kind of decided that Questival is in my top 2 favorite holidays. I'm already looking forward to it for next year! Oh, this is a wonderful life!!!