My cousin Sadie is Amazing! She seriously just makes my whole life better. Here's the best way to explain our relationship-- Heavenly Father knew long before we were born that we needed to be together. He also knew that we both would have big personalities and a LOT of fun and so He knew that one family couldn't handle both of us. So, He let us be cousins! :) And some people just don't be close with people that they only see once every 4 years and don't count those times that they do see each other by years, but as times ago. Like when I talk about when I was here last, I don't really remember what year it was, or even the time before that especially. So I just say last time or two times ago when I was here. We have a special bond though and we are so close. We do everything together up here besides work and go to the bathroom. She makes my day and I make her day. We complete each other and it's awesome! It's so fun to have a cousin that is a best friend!Life with us rocks! I love being us!
Sadie is so pretty! And she LOVES cats!
Our trusty vessel, the Tadie America. Sadie and I come up with some awesome ideas and Sadie is the one who can actually figure out how to make them happen!
She plays ball like nobody's business and takes me to school every Tuesday!
We do stuff together like hike the Butte.
Two times ago we tried our hand at modeling...
Then she came to Cokevilel and we became the Dweeb Squad and went and got Dessert at the Flying J.
She catches bigger fish than me!
And she's a ninja!
I'm so blessed to have Sadie as my cousin! She's so awesome and I don't know what I'd do without her! I think when we grow up, somehow we're gonna have to live close to each other because after this summer, I don't know how long we can be apart. I love my Sades!
Oh Sades! I love that you two love each other so much!!