
Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Witness

When I was 10 years old I asked my mom how I could get my own testimony. She told me that the first key was a desire, so I was already on my way. She told me that I needed to pray about things I was wondering about and listen for an answer. She told me that I needed to live my life in a way that was in alignment with Heavenly Father's plan. She told me to listen to the Prophets. She told me to do the little things, like participate in primary and classes and to read my scriptures every day and to pray. I think she gave me a pretty good formula. I was still depending on her testimony then and I remember the first time that I really had a hard question that I needed help to believe and get a testimony for myself about. It was when President Gordon B. Hinkley passed away. He was the only Prophet that I knew. I was wondering how in the world we were gonna do it without him. I wondered for a short time, and then I got the opportunity to attend the Young Women's General Meeting in person. I prayed that I would find an answer that President Monson was now the prophet. I remember standing up and everything went silent as President Monson walked in and I KNEW that he was indeed called of God to be the Prophet of His church on earth. I received my testimony of a Living Prophet on that day. Since then, there have been times when I may have wondered about the church and about some things that were said. But my dad taught me a valuable lesson as well in regards to obtaining and then holding strong to my testimony. When he was on his mission, he and his companion needed to find a new place to live. They prayed together and got an answer of where to go. When they were on their way to move, his companion started getting cold feet. He asked my dad if they were sure they should move. My dad gave a scripture to him:  Doctrine and Covenants 6:22-23, which says "Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things. Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?" I always remember that story when I hear controversial comments about the Prophet or the Apostles and other leaders of the church. I remember the day when I stood in silence to reverence the Prophet and I remember the burning in my heart and how in that moment I KNEW that there was a living prophet who receives revelation for us all. Then I don't have to question any longer. I know that the Prophet and Apostles are the spokes people for God. In Doctrine and Covenants 1:38 it says "Whether by mine own voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same." I know that. I know that what these men say is what Heavenly Father desires for us. I'm not saying they are perfect, but I am saying that I believe them. Some people may say that because I hardly ever question what they say, I'm following blindly. I'm not. When I hear something from someone speaking in General Conference that I don't feel 100% about, I do what my mom told me to do, and I remember what my dad taught me. I pray about it and I know that Heavenly Father wants me to follow what His prophet is saying. I'm not saying that I'm perfect either, but I'm trying to follow His plan. 

I know that President Monson is the living prophet of God on the earth today and that he cannot lead us astray. I know that the Priesthood blesses my life each day because without the Priesthood, I wouldn't have the Holy Ghost as my constant companion, I wouldn't be sealed eternally to my family. I know that because of the Sacred Sealing Ordinances that are performed in the temple, I will one day understand and know what it's all about and enjoy those blessings with my future husband and children as long as I live a life in alignment to obtain a temple recommend. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and he was the instrument in God's hands to restore the church to the earth. I know that the Apostles are called of God and I know that I sustained them and support them. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I've read it and prayed about it and I know it's true. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and all His children on earth. I know He wants what's best for all of us. 

I'm thankful for the testimony that I have worked for and that has grown so much since leaving home and seeing different views. I stand by my testimony and I know that if I continue to do the little things each day like scripture study, prayer, being nice to people, following the prophet, going to church, and such, as well as remember the times when the Spirit spoke to my heart and gave me a testimony, I will stay close to God and be a happy and peaceful person. 

1 comment:

  1. You said it perfectly! There's so much going on with members questioning the church right now, and I think you gave a great explanation about how people should handle their questioning. If we make sure we're doing the small and simple things everyday, we won't be led astray. Thanks for being a great example.
