
Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Randomness that is Me

  Sometimes I just think about random things and I wonder if anyone else wonders about these things too. So, I will tell you about my two latest random thoughts and then you will all be thinking about them too, and then I will share some other stuff as well. 
  First, all my life I have used the word "way" synonymous with so or very in sentences like, "I am WAY excited!" or "I want to do that WAY bad!" Then I went to college and my roommates that aren't from around these parts told me that "way" is not used in that way anywhere but at BYU. So then I got to thinking, for quite a while, what is the definition of the word "way"? I knew it was a direction, like "that way" and I knew that there was a "way to do things." I had come to the conclusion that I was using the word "way" in totally the wrong way. (I've typed the word "way" so many times now, it just sounds "WAY" weird to me!) So, today the wondering ended. I looked it up on The dictionary had examples of "way" as a noun. It was what I expected to find. Way is a direction and how someone does things. But as I scrolled down I ran into "way" as an adverb. The definition was "at a great degree; at a great distance." Then it gave the example of "way heavy" and "way down the road." So, indeed, "way" can be used to show something to a great degree. I am WAY excited about this new bit of information that I have found. And now you are all informed of the uses of the word "way."
  Second, I went down to the BYU Track Meet this last weekend and when we were driving through Heber I saw a crane in a marsh and it was standing on one leg and I was impressed at the balance of that bird! And then one word popped into my head--Ostrich. I don't know where it came from. But for the rest of the ride to Provo I was wondering where in the world ostriches come from and where they live. When we got into the track meet I asked Coach Toomer if he knew where ostriches live. He told me he wasn't sure where they came from but he knew that near Kemmerer there was an ostrich farm. So ostriches can live in Wyoming. Well, I wasn't satisfied. I just don't often, well actually, I never see ostriches running around wild in Wyoming. Today, I answered my question. I googled ostriches and where they live. According to National Geographic, a renowned magazine, ostriches originate in the deserts of Africa. They are omnivores and get most of their water from the plants they eat. They stand around 6 feet tall and have huge eyes--2 inches across! That's the largest eye of all land dwelling animals. There, now you've learned about two cool things today! 
  And on a more serious note, at Relief Society today we learned about how to be a good visiting teacher. It was a great lesson and for the closing song Brother Leon Pope sang a beautiful song called "His Hands." I felt the spirit so strong. I was already cold, but the shivers I got when he was singing were not related to the temperature. The song was beautiful and his delivery of it was perfect. This is not him singing, but this is the song:
  It's beautiful and I love it. I love my Savior and I'm so thankful for all He's done for me. He has made it possible for me to return to my Heavenly Father and live with my family forever. He loves me and He did a lot for me. I need to remember to use the great gift that He's given to me. I'm so excited that I can be forgiven for all the things that I do wrong and I can always try to improve and be more like Him. 
  And because you're all wondering about my latest adventure to New York, you can visit my sister Olivia's blog and find out! She took all the pictures because she has a smart phone and I have a really cool flip phone, so her story will be more entertaining because blogs with pictures are always better, so sorry this one has none, but it does have a video! Anyways, visit her blog to learn about how we totally ROCKED the Big Apple!

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