A year ago to date, I thought my life was over. My journal entry went like this:
"Today when people ask me "how's it goin?" or "How ya doin?" I say, "I've been better." And the reason for this not so joyful answer is: at practice this morning, I was doing one last through out of the blocks for the 100 hurdles. I really wanted to 2 step the first hurdle. I was being aggressive and doing what I should do. I was there for 2 step. I hit the hurdle with my lead right leg and then I came down. My right knee went far far far to the inside. Then I was on the ground screaming. It was so scary and painful. We went to Dr. Crane and Marilyn. Both are pretty sure it's not the ACL, so that's good. They are unsure whether its sprained or damaged on my lateral and medial tendons. We'll do some stuff on Monday and see if I should get an MRI. If its' the same or worse well get the MRI on Wednesday or something. But it's sore, some things hurt really bad, like bending it too far. Needless to say, I won't be running tomorrow or next week and I am for sure done with the hurdles which makes me terribly frustrated. I was getting so good. "
Then a few days later on the 24th I wrote: "Today I cried. Dr. Papa Crane called when we got home today from the MRI. The news is not good. I have a completely torn ACL. I have to have surgery. ... It's tough. This is SO not what I wanted to be doing. I wanted to enjoy my last 5 weeks of high school completely and wanted to have a care-free summer. So it stinks really bad. ... Here's some positives, I played volleyball and basketball for 4 years. I was healthy and have been a part of 6 state titles. I could be paralyzed and that would be worst. I'll take this over that any day."
Then I had surgery and I said: "The last few days since surgery have been a little rough. Thursday was good. The surgery went perfectly well and only I was dizzy while waking up. Friday was good too. Friday night started a bad time. ... Saturday morning was SO bad. ... I started to cry and I was thinking I hate my knee. I just want to be running at BYU. Oh and I was puking all morning Saturday. Nasty. Now I'm better. I just wish life was normal."
So, pretty much, I thought my life was over. Thank goodness that it wasn't. Yeah, I had a lot of days where I cried and wished life was normal and that I could do the things that I couldn't. But look how much I've done since "my life was over":
I graduated High School
I came to BYU
I graduated physical therapy
I started running again
I got a brace and played a good season of basketball
I learned a TON in school
I chose Exercise and Wellness as my major
I finished my first year of college (almost... 2 more days!)
I learned how to have a good attitude even when life was a little bit crappy
And much more...
It has been a good year and I am thankful for my doctors and therapists and my family for their support, for being willing to wash my plate when I so rudely would yell, "Who wants to do some service!" when I was sitting on my bum. I want to thank my Heavenly Father for giving me this challenge and for helping me face it and get through it and I'm thankful to Him for my healthy body and all that I can do. I really am a blessed girl and I'm so glad that a year ago my life didn't really end. I would have missed out on so many good days! I hope you all have a great day and a great week and such! :)
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
When I was first introduced to "hashtags," I was so confused. Why would someone put a pound sign or number sign before a long stream of words that normally don't makes sense and break all the english rules of capitalization and spacing? And for a long time I thought hashtags were really stupid and considered defriending... unfriending... disfriending... whatever, I considered doing that to my facebook friends who used hashtags. I was annoyed to say the least.
I now realize that hashtags aren't going away and sometimes they are pretty funny. One time Olivia and I were teaching our parents about hashtags and we started talking hashtags. We were annoying for a while. During our hashtag talk we were driving up to my Aunt Sally's house. Running up the lane in front of us was a rabbit. Mom said, "If Sedona were with us, she'd want us to stop and see the rabbit." Livi said, "Hashtag: Where's my gun?" And I finished with, "Hashtag: Dinner for DAYYZZZ!" It was a funny hashtag that served it's point. It was great! Hashtags, when used right and not overbearingly, can be funny and effective.
I'm not a hashtagger (I used my first hashtag over the weekend: #ldsconf) but I no longer want to unfollow my hashtag friends. I sometimes like to talk in hashtags. It's kind of funny. I think there is a time and place for hashtags. Maybe a limit of two per post or something like that would make them less annoying to the public. And they really can be a good tool for spreading the gospel. My cousin Jason was posting about Conference weekend and used a great hashtag. He did #mormonsuperbowl. People will see that can get interested. I don't understand all that hashtags do in marketing and what "trending" means, but whatever. I'm no longer a hashtag hater, but I'm not a lover. I'm just indifferent.
And this video about hashtags is pretty funny!
Have the BEST DAY of your Life... TODAY! :)
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