
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Women Empowered

I have found something to be passionate about and it involves empowering women. I am so grateful to be a woman and think that women are going to help change this world. I used to think that this was a man's world and that a woman's place was a little less. I don't know where I came up with that idea because it wasn't something I was taught directly, my dad never overpowered my mom, my brothers are kind, my brothers-in-law treat my sisters so well. I guess maybe it came from tv or the books that I like to read. But wherever it came from, that's how I felt. Recently I have been starting to see things differently. I do believe that women are equals to men. What I don't believe is that women and men are the same. We're not. We have different gifts and qualities and responsibilities, but we are equally important and  have a positive impact on many many lives.

This weekend I attended a women's conference where three different topics were discussed. We talked about Healthy Relationships and Intimacy, The Doctrine of Womanhood, and the importance of Health and Wellness. I came away empowered and extremely glad to be a woman. As I review my notes from the last General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I love Women's Conference! It was reiterated that women are influential and that we can change the WORLD. I believe that 100%. I know that we can change the world, and it starts by helping and serving right where we are. In my entrepeneurship class this semester my professor says, "Use what you have. Do what you can. Start where you are." I think that is very applicable to empowering women and serving in the community around us. We just need to start. It starts with us, today.

At the conference this last weekend with my stake they shared this video and I really like it. It makes me extremely happy to be a woman. It goes for all women, whatever race, background, religion, age that you are, this pertains to you.

We are daughters of God. A woman was the first human in mortal existance. A woman is built to help God in His plan of happiness through the creation of more of His children. A woman was the first to see the resurrected Savior. Women are special. We are important. We can change the world. Dream big. Be inspired. Be passionate. Start now, in your home, in your ward, in your community. Be an influence for good. We can. 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Books and Domestication

This week I found myself in a strange predicament. I didn't have any homework to do. And it was only Wednesday. I texted a friend to see what she was up to and of course told me homework. I was wondering how in the world I was going to use my time. Luckily Wednesday morning I had a desire to check out a book from the library. I LOVE reading. And I read the whole book--starting Wednesday night and finished it Saturday night. It was such a good read. It's called "Saving Grace", by Michele Paige Holmes. There was one part of the book that I really connected with. The female protagonist, Grace Thatcher, is reading in the Library and the male protagonist, Nicholas, asks her why she likes to read. She responds, 

"Well, on a day like today, when the world seems entirely dreary, one can read of other places full of sunshine and beauty and imagine himself there. Or if one's life is dull, he can immerse himself in adventure--fighting alongside the knights of the Round Table, slaying Cyclops with Odysseus, or leading an army against the traitor Macbeth... It is about enjoying." 

I do so enjoy reading and it was a great way to pass the week and weekend with little homework responsibilities. It is probably a good thing that I finished it already because I do have a test coming up and I best keep my nose to the grind stone this week. But it was so fun! 

Also, I bought all the stuff to bake bread. Mom came down on Monday and Tuesday and brought me her KitchenAid and so I put it to work! I like the process of baking bread. I like forming the loaves. And I really like the smell as it bakes! And it makes me feel so domestic! Just baking away in my shorts and t-shirt and apron with my braid falling out on both sides! The perfect picture of domestication!