
Friday, October 27, 2017

Moments that Matter Most

Visiting Teaching; a walk with a friend; family home evening; grocery shopping; laundry; school; work; ice cream with a friend; scholarship application; internship application; plasma donation; spanish test; 4:30 A.M.; midnight; finding a family name for the temple; doing ordinances in the temple for that person; interview with my bishop; BYU basketball; library; homework; soccer; cycling; running; yoga; planning a friend hike up the Y; waiting to surprise a stressed friend; phone calls home. This week has been productive if not busy. 

For the last two months the stress has slowly been building and through the tools I am learning in my stress management class I have been doing a pretty good job of handling it. However, last night I found myself walking a mile home, feeling rejected, stressed, and doing all I could to not cry as I talked with my sister. I've been going 100 miles per hour doing a lot of really good things. But it's tiring. I hear that we shouldn't ever be tired of doing good things, and I'm not tired of doing them, but I'm tired for doing them. 

So, as I've been going through the rigors of balancing 17 credits and 10-15 hours of work, a social life, a church calling, personal health, etc. I have been kind of losing the why behind it all. Then I went to Yoga class--my class to just be present and shut out everything else. As I laid on my back,and focused on the moment, my teacher read the words of a living Prophet, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. 

He says, "We would do well to slow down a little." And, "Diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the World." 

So, even though I can't see a way to slow down, or things to cut out of my life right now, I am so grateful that as I try to serve those around me and be dilifently doing things that matter, I have the promise that I will come closer to Christ. I just needed the reminder. I'm grateful that I got it.