
Friday, October 10, 2014

Pep Talks & Testing & A Loving Father

Mid-terms... Remember when I posted about the realities of college and how I really don't like grades. Well, I really don't like grades. This week has been crazy! I had a paper and a project due and 4 tests. The craziest day was Wednesday. I had my Anatomy Lab test, my Personal Finance Test, and my Anatomy Lecture Test. My lab test was first and I seriously have spent more time studying for that class than any other class in my whole life combined! I was just needin' a little break before I went in and took the test, so I went on youtube and watched my favorite pep-talk from Remember the Titans. And it's not about anatomy or test taking, but I totally felt like it was this time.
It's an inspiring speech really. The part that got my ready for my test was when he said, "if we don't come together, we too will be destroyed.... I don't care if you don't like each other, but you will respect each other. And maybe, maybe we'll learn to play this game like men." So, I thought to myself, "I don't really love taking tests, but I respect anatomy and this test. And if anatomy and I don't come together, I'm going to get destroyed! So, today I'm gonna get it together with anatomy, and take this test like a woman." And then I was pumped! Okay, that's an exaggeration, but I was more ready for the test. I don't know how I did on the test, but I think I did alright.

Then I had my finance test... I should have re-watched the speech. It didn't go so well. (I deserved that though; I didn't study very hard) Haha. But then I had my other Anatomy mid-term and I remembered the speech. More importantly though, I went in with a constant prayer in my heart. I prayed for help to remember what I had studied, because I studied more for this class than any other class in my life. So, I was prayin' hard and answers kept coming to my mind. I would remember reading and studying the stuff that the question was asking about, but I didn't know between two answers, and then Heavenly Father, knowing that this was important to me, would send me a thought, or help me remember something that me and Mary had made up. And when that would happen, I just said thank-you. Sometimes too, I would get to a question that I knew I hadn't studied for and I would wait a second for an answer... I wouldn't get one. So, I learned that my Heavenly Father knows me and knows what is important to me and knows what I need help with. But, he knows what work I did and he's not going to help me remember things that I didn't take the time to study. He's not going to give me answers that I don't deserve. He's loving and fair and expects me to do my part. Anyways, I got out of the test and went and looked at my score and just said, Thank you!

I know that Heavenly Father hears my pleas and my prayers for help and confidence and calmness. And I know that if I want to do well, I have to do my part. I love this quote by President Hinckley:
So, all you other college students and people that are working every day to be better and succeed at something, pray for help, but do your part. You'll be blessed. 

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